Rescue workers find all 22 bodies of Nepal plane crashed | NOW

Rescuers have found all 22 victims after the plane crash on the Nepalese side of the Himalayas. On Sunday, a Tara Air plane crashed on its route from Pokhara to Jomsom.

“All bodies have now been found,” a spokesman for the local aviation authority told the French news agency AFP† “There will now be a process to identify the bodies.”

The Tara Air plane disappeared from the radar on Sunday during a domestic flight from the tourist city of Pokhara to Jomsom, about 70 kilometers to the north.

The Nepalese authorities already confirmed on Sunday that the plane crashed in the mountains in the Mustang district, not far from the final destination of the flight. Nineteen passengers and three crew members were on board.

In addition to Nepalese, four Indians and two Germans were involved. 21 victims had already been found on Monday, after which the authorities said the chance that the last occupant was still alive was very small.

Nepal has a history of many aviation accidents due to its extensive flight network, high mountain ranges and rapidly changing weather conditions. On the same route from Pokhara to Jomsom, a Tara Air plane crashed into a mountain in February 2016. The 23 occupants were killed.

Despite an increasing number of flights into Nepal, the country’s airlines have a bad reputation when it comes to safety. The European Union forbids Nepalese airlines to fly over Europe, because they would operate unsafely.
