Rerum Novarum: Crevits calls on people to choose a job in care

Rerum Novarum: Crevits calls on people to choose a job in care

The more than 700,000 people who work in the care sector embody the warm solidarity that Rerum Novarum calls for, says Crevits. “A job in care is invaluable. Not only for those who need care, but also for our entire society,” says Crevits.

She emphasizes that in Flanders almost seven out of ten people in need of help receive help spontaneously from family, friends, neighbors or acquaintances. “The expertise and experience of these informal carers is also indispensable and we must make maximum use of it in our society.”

According to the minister, many strong hands will be needed in healthcare in the coming years. “I would therefore very much like to make an appeal today to everyone who has not yet found his or her way on our labor market. Cross the threshold without fear and opt for a training in care. (…) We need every talent .”
