REREAD UKRAINE. Zelensky expresses solidarity with Israel – Ukraine expects record number of drone strikes next winter | War Ukraine and Russia

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Ukrainian parliament is working on law to ban Moscow-linked church

The parliament in Kiev has one bill registered for that purpose to ban all activities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This is what the British news agency Reuters writes. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is accused of it to undermine the country’s national unity and collaborate with Russia.

The law seeks a judicial ban on religious organizations whose members have been convicted of spreading war propagandaRussian aggression against Ukraine justify or the equal rights of citizens based on faith violate.

Registering the bill is the first step towards creating a new law. The proposal will first have to be approved by a parliamentary committee before it can be voted on.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church accepted authority from the Russian Orthodox Patriarch in Moscow until after the Russian invasion last year, but now says to have severed ties with Moscow. According to the Kremlin, the actions are against the church illegal.


Ukraine expects record numbers of drone attacks this winter

The Ukrainian Air Force expects one this coming winter record number of drone attacks of Russia, a spokesperson said on national television. This is because a large number of drones have already been used against Ukraine this fall.

In September are more than five hundred Shahed drones observed. According to the spokesperson, Russia used about a thousand of these drones last winter. This included, among other things, the Ukrainian power supplies attackedleaving citizens out in the cold.

although Ukraine are air defense has ever since strengthensofficials warn that the electricity could fail again in the cold winter months due to drone attacks. Not all power facilities have yet been repaired after the previous attacks.


Zelensky expresses Ukraine’s “solidarity” with Israel in telephone conversation with Netanyahu

The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been in a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed support for Israel. “I affirmed Ukrainian solidarity with Israel, which is now suffering a brutal large-scale attack,” the president said. The Palestinian militant organization Hamas launched an offensive against Israel on Saturday, which then launched a counter-offensive.

Zelensky and Netanyahu also discussed it ensuring the safety of Ukrainians in Israel. Certainly two Ukrainian women were killed in the violencethe Ukrainian foreign ministry reported on Sunday.

Ukraine sees one parallel between the Russian invasion of one’s own country and the attack by Hamas on Israel and supports Israel’s right to self-protection. Israel has so far taken a neutral position regarding the war in Ukraine. The country does support Ukraine with humanitarian aid.


Dozens injured in Russian bombing of Kherson

Bee Russian bombing of Khersonin southern Ukraine, on the night from Saturday to Sunday eleven people were injuredincluding one nine month old baby. The local authorities reported this on Sunday.

Ukraine recaptured the city in November 2022, but Russian forces are still within firing range of Kherson.

“Kherson has one again terrible night behind our backs” as Russian forces “have continuously bombed the city and its surroundings,” regional governor Oleksandr Prokudin said. “Eleven residents were injured. A 27-year-old woman and her nine-month-old daughter were taken to hospital“, the governor said. He also posted a video online showing a multi-storey residential building with damaged windows and walls.


Russia will refuse medical care to Ukrainians in occupied Zaporizhia without a Russian passport

The authorities of the Russian-occupied region Zaporizhia shall from 2024 no longer providing care to people with a Ukrainian passportthe governor of the occupation regime, Yevheny Balitsky, said on the Russia-24 channel.

The governor admits that the measure is intended to force Ukrainians in the occupied region to apply for Russian citizenship: “So far we are in no hurry. From the new year we will more severe measures to ensure that only Russian citizens live on our territory. If someone receives medical care with a Ukrainian passport for New Year’s Eve, he will not receive that care afterwards.”

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs claims that approximately 83 percent of residents of the occupied territories in Ukraine are said to have applied for a Russian passportwrites the Russian news agency TASS.
