Requirement: Dog breeder must go to prison for a year and may not keep dogs for ten years

A 38-year-old dog breeder from Deurne, who did not take good care of his animals, must go to jail for one year if it is up to the Public Prosecution Service. He is also not allowed to keep dogs for ten years. The man was on trial for three different cases on Monday, between February 2018 and May 2023.

The man is suspected of long-term and structural withholding of care for dogs, squirrels, cats and birds. In addition, as a bread breeder, he would keep and breed dogs commercially without suitable conditions and without having the correct papers or (health) protocols. The man also kept no records.

He locked dogs in a pen that was too small without water. Many dogs had a felted coat with tangled hairs or bald and chapped spots on the skin. Dogs that needed it were not given medical attention.

The man had already been reprimanded several times by enforcement organizations after checks and had previously received community service. However, according to the public prosecutor, the man does not improve his behavior and continues to keep and breed dogs.

Dogs hiding for control
This year, for example, he placed the dogs in an abandoned shed where the suspect had probably broken into, to hide them for re-checking. The public prosecutor believes that the suspect has caused an unimaginable amount of animal suffering. “The animals were kept in a very nasty, dirty and miserable way. Apparently only for financial gain.”

The public prosecutor warns people not to buy animals from bread breeders. “If nobody buys dogs from bread breeders and pays a fair price for these dogs, the bread breeding market will also stop. To make it clear to everyone that this suspect is not allowed to breed dogs, I ask the court to publish the verdict with name and surname .”

To prevent the man from repeating himself, a suspended sentence of six months in prison is also imposed.

The court will rule in four weeks.

READ ALSO: Notorious dog trader is not allowed to keep dogs for six months

Notorious dog trafficker hides his animals from the police
