Requesting police data as standard from VOG for specific professions | news item

News item | 30-06-2022 | 4:00 pm

From 1 July, standard data from the police will also be consulted for certain employers and positions when assessing a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG). This so-called VOG police data is only used for professions where a high degree of integrity is required. This concerns, for example, certain employees at customs, a prison guard or a public prosecutor at the Public Prosecution Service who prepares criminal cases.

With the information from the police data, the Justis screening authority – which handles VOG applications – can assess even better whether there are reasons not to issue a VOG police data. Justis looks at how often someone appears in the police force, whether that is recent or long ago and whether the information is relevant to the position that someone wants to perform. Information from people who are in the systems as victims, reporters or witnesses is not taken into account. A single, simple standing posture or report will not prevent the issuance of a VOG police data.

Conditions requesting data
The ministry determines on the basis of legally established criteria for which professions this police data may always be requested. These are positions with the authority to use force, with access to sensitive information in the areas of public order, security and law enforcement, or involvement in public administration integrity assessments.

Justis handles around 1.4 million VOG applications every year. The vast majority of them are awarded. It is expected that approximately 3000 VOG police data will be requested this year. That amounts to about 0.21% percent of the total number of VOG applications.

All information about applying for a VOG P can be found at
