Republicans demonstrate against monarchy on King’s Day | 1Limburg

Members of the Republic, the former Republican Society, demonstrate against the monarchy on King’s Day in Maastricht.

“We will then wave goodbye to Willem the Last,” said President Floris Müller of the Republic. The royal couple celebrates King’s Day on April 27 in the provincial capital.

Say goodbye
“We intend to have a big presence,” says Müller. “There is no longer a majority in the Netherlands for succession. In Limburg, the monarchy is not popular at all. We believe that this celebration should be the farewell to the monarchy. As far as we are concerned, this is William the Last.”

‘Don’t disturb anything’
“The popularity of Willem-Alexander is extremely low,” adds Müller. “We are going to demonstrate somewhere along the route. But we are not going to disrupt anything.”

The municipality of Maastricht allows the demonstration. However, there is still consultation about the exact place where the group may demonstrate. “We respect the right to demonstrate,” said a spokesman for the municipality. “We are still looking at some preconditions that have to do with safety on that day.”

The then New Republican Society was in the news when former chairman Hans Maessen from Roermond was arrested by the police during the throne change in 2013. Maessen then demonstrated alone in the gathered crowd with a sign with inscription against the royal family.

Members of the Republican organization have repeatedly expressed their disapproval of the monarchy during King’s Day in recent years. The organization claims to have about 3,500 members.
