Republican Trump-critica Liz Cheney overweegt gooi naar presidentschap in 2024 | Buitenland

Cheney lost more than 30 percent of the hair of Harriet Hageman, and an advocate for the grandchildren who were still critical of what Trump said, but he was now completely alarmed. Including the fact that the President’s Office of 2020 has “stolen” it.

But Dick Cheney – or vice president of George W. Bush – says on the ‘Today Show’ that “everything” is supposed to happen “what needs to be done around Trump in the Oval Office”. Aanvankelijk held Cheney de vraag over een potentiële gooi naar het presidentschap af. Pas na long aandringen antwoordde ze.


Also, in the speech, there were no hairs below the Hageman Toegaf, let it be said that the name of the President of the Republic of 2014 was in the back. “The first campaign in one of our parties, Abraham Lincoln, will be published in the publication for the Senate and in the House of Afgevaardigden, where the most important publication in the world is going to be published”, reads the following day.


Ze kondigde also een nieuw politiek actiecomité aan: ‘The Great Task’. That would never happen because Trump opnieuw presidential word, he would also like de Amerikaanse people to be over de waren de democratie. “I think that Donald Trump still has a future rule, a rule for our republic. Hem verslaan zal een breed Breed en united front van Republikeinen, Democraten en onafhankelijken vragen”, aldus nog Cheney.

Cheney zetelt in de parliamentaire onderzoekscommissie naar de storming van het Capitool en liet zich eerder al negatief uit over Trumps rol daarin. Ze stand in het verleten also for de afzetting van Trump.

In 2020, sales in Wyoming were still 73 percent.

Trump-critica Liz Cheney reads Republikeinse voorverkiezing in Wyoming

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