Repsol’s collection system collapses

The first day you start applying the 20 cent discount for fuels, Repsol collection systemthe oil company with the most service stations in Spain, has collapsed, which has even led some gas stations to close temporarily as they cannot serve their customers. Company sources assure that there has been “a peak demand” during the first bars of the day that “is slowing down the collection system“, but they add that it is “a isolated case which is expected to be resolved throughout the morning as we enter into a demand valley“. “There is so much demand for supply that the system is slowing down,” they add.

This Friday the bonus of 20 cents per liter or per kilo of fuel refueled by both private users and by companies and the self-employed came into force, of which 15 cents will be assumed by the State Budget, and the remaining 5 by gas stations, although the three main oil companies -Repsol, Cepsa and BP- have announced greater bonuses through their applications that raise the discount to between 25 and 29 cents.

The bonus will be applied at the point of sale and refueling. In each supply that is made under the conditions that suppose the application of the bonus, a discount on final bill, taxes included, equivalent to the amount of the bonus. The purchase receipt must reflect the amount of the operationdistinguishing the price before applying the discount and after applying the bonus, as well as the amount of the discount applied and an express reference to the royal decree law.

CEOE criticism

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The CEOE business association has adhered this Friday to the statement issued by the Spanish Confederation of Service Station Entrepreneurs (CEEES), in which it warns about the “dramatic situation to which the Administration is leading thousands of these companies, mostly medium and small, by charging the advance of the bonus of 20 cents per liter of fuel on their working capital” “without having previously anticipated this discount and without communicating how they are expected to compensate.”

The Treasury yesterday issued a statement in which it assured that all gas stations, regardless of their size, could start requesting from this Friday, through a request in the Electronic office of the Tax Agency, an advance to start receiving the money from next week and thus avoid any liquidity problem. What the Government has not yet developed, and that is what the CEOE complains about, is the form specific for the request for monthly return of the bonuses practiced, in which they work “as quickly as possible”.
