Reporting point for odor nuisance Energy transition park Wijster to province

The municipality of Midden-Drenthe wants to transfer the odor nuisance reporting center of the Energie Transitiepark (ETP) in Wijster to the province. The mayor and aldermen make this proposal in a letter to the municipal council.

According to the administrators, the province is ‘best suited to function as a central reporting point for ETP-related reports’.

Last summer, the number of complaints about odor nuisance on the site around the VAM mountain in Wijster increased to 24, which were submitted to the municipality’s hotline. A tripling compared to the first months of last year. Jannes Kerssies of Municipal Interests would therefore like to see the hotline remain with Midden-Drenthe. “People know how to find their way. We would rather keep it with the municipality, but if there is no other way, then it has to be done. We do not see it as progress.”

The Municipal Executive indicates that a reporting point at the province provides a central place where all reports are received. Moreover, as of January 1, 2024, the province is the competent authority for Attero, Green Create and Noblesse, because that is when the Environmental Act takes effect. In addition, according to the municipality, it also works more efficiently if the province becomes the central reporting point, because employees of the province can immediately forward all reports to the Regional Implementation Service Drenthe (RUDD).

Kerssies hopes that there is still a chance that the hotline can remain with the municipality. “Because the distance to the province is a lot greater in our experience. So if there is a ten percent chance that it can stay with the municipality, then we will go for it. we will abide by it.”
