Report on renewed racism scandal at FC Bayern

A racist incident is said to have happened again at Bayern Munich. The German record champions reacted immediately and have already taken personal action.

FC Bayern is said to have recently parted ways with a kit man, who reported “imageAccording to the report, the long-time employee is said to have said to his daughter: “You don’t need to bring those home with me.”

This statement is said to have come to other employees of the German record champions. The board of directors has been informed. He recognized a racist reference and released the kit manager immediately.

Gnabry and Choupo-Moting are among the dark-skinned players in Munich’s professional squad. FC Bayern has so far not confirmed the “Bild” report.

Not the first racism incident at FC Bayern

In the summer of 2020, a racism scandal shook the German industry leader. At the time, the WDR magazine “Sport Inside” published the chat history of a youth coach at FC Bayern, which put a heavy burden on him. Because of “clearly racist” content, even the Munich police and state security intervened.

“It was a shock for everyone! We had no idea that racist statements had been made – in a part of our campus. It was immediately clear to us that we had to investigate and clarify these allegations immediately,” said the NLZ leader Jochen Sauer in an interview with “tz” in November 2020 on the scandal.

Sauer also justified why the club only acted almost two months after the allegations became known and dismissed the coaches: “It always takes time to uncover processes that are and were hidden. The content of the chat group included thousands of posts, maybe some of them a dozen with racist content. In addition, a large number of interviews had to be conducted during the course of the investigation.” Ultimately, FC Bayern “acted consistently and correctly,” said Sauer.
