Report: Gladbach sells Breel Embolo to AS Monaco

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Quote from Sepp2608

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Quote from fyndus

Quote from Stranzel

Quote from fyndus

Gladbach is one of the relegation candidates for me. Good players are leaving, there is no replacement in sight and in the end there is an insecure team without a leader.

Of course there is still quality in the squad, but not enough to be on the safe side.

Of course and by far! We set the negative record of Tasmania Berlin

In reality it’s different, we’ll hold the class and that early on, and your FC ST Pauli stays where HSV is at most!

It’s so wonderfully dumb patriotic. If you don’t like a post, just go to the club of the respective user. It’s not as if someone made the comparison and meant Gladbach will soon be deducted in the second.

But the main thing is to defend your own territory! Nice testosterone driven mindset.

If you say it like that, it’s definitely true! thumbs up

You my truth doesn’t have to be yours. smile

My dear,

Writing something negative about Gladbach is a tough one hereLaughing

It’s actually the same as always: all players who are already playing with one leg elsewhere will “of course” extend it (Hofmann, Sommer).

Players who leave (Thuram, Bense and Co.) were not good enough anyway and are easily replaced by the patented space scouting anyway…

The new trainer is EXACTLY the right one. He loves green, hates cologne, is just plain nice and just so happens to have all the qualities we’re looking for (wouldn’t even have turned up if Favre hadn’t jumped off the cliff at the last second)…

In a few weeks, after 10 good games, the players should easily bring in 50,60,70 million again…

What can I say! The fact that the club is apparently notoriously broke and that the contracts of all top performers are expiring and Virkus generally seems a bit as if he would like his regulars’ table with his buddies back is completely ignored.

A Gladbacher writes above that Sommer will be replaced by Leno… A prime example of the world in which the fans sometimes liveLaughing

I agree with you completely: Gladbach will also have a very difficult time in my opinion. Fürth and Bielefeld do not exist this season. A bad start to the season with 3,4,5 players who are already somewhere else with their heads can lead to a strong downward spiral…

No idea how you get the idea that you play for Europeclose your eyes

Well then let’s go through the whole thing so that you also understand why the views are like this.

Where it is said that Sommer and Hofmann have to play somewhere else with one leg, you have to show me. In the case of Sommer, only L’Equipe has so far reported on an agreement with Nice and the whole thing has already been denied by Sport1, and with Sommer it can go either way (stay with extension and departure). There are no rumors of a departure at Hofmann and it is more likely that he will stay with an extension. But you have to deal more with the club to notice something like that.

That players who leave are often badmouthed is true and shouldn’t be. However, last season you could see that players like Thuram and Bensebaini were not very motivated and they were partly to blame for last season. However, Thuram makes a very good impression in the preparation and seems very motivated, which is probably why the majority of fans would rather extend him and go into the next season than give him up. Not much is known about Bensebaini as he hasn’t been able to train with the team yet.

Let’s get to the subject of Coach Farke. Farke is seen as the right one because you can see from the training observations how the team is more motivated and more committed compared to last season. An example would be the Thuram mentioned above, who seems to get along very well with Farke and looks very fresh again. In addition, Farke has managed to trigger a spirit of optimism through his human nature, which was very important after the last season and which is why the fans look up to him. Everything has already been said about Favre. Farke was actually the dream coach of Virkus, but the board preferred Favre, which is why they tried it with him. But of course if you want to see it as Farke being the much worse choice and you have swallowed the bitter pill out of necessity, you are welcome to do so.

That such high sums were required would be new to me. It was clear that Neuhaus, who was a national player at 23 and played an outstanding season, demanded 40 million from the fans, but with a view to the transfer market, that’s not as unworldly as you make it out to be. Of course you shouldn’t praise the players to the skies after 10 good games, but I think it’s quite normal for the fans to want large sums of money if clear top performers should go.

The paragraph with Virkus also shows that you haven’t really dealt with the club. Of course, some contracts are currently running out in 2023, but the transfer window is not closed, nor is it impossible to extend it with some players. Virkus may not be convincing linguistically, but so far he has done everything right with his decisions. Hütter was released between which it did not work out with the team. Vogel was released, whom many in the U23 no longer wanted to see. With Fraulo, a promising talent was brought in, who has already shown in the friendlies what potential he has. In addition, Itakura, as one of the best players of the 2nd division last season, was brought for 4-5 million on a problem spot of the squad. Now Embolo is to be sold at a profit, although the purchase price dates back to before Corona. So, so far, Virkus has done a consistently good job.

The example with Leno shows a good goalkeeper who is currently looking for a club. If a summer is sold, which will certainly not happen for 2.5 million and the proceeds from the Embolo transfer are added, you could pay the 11 million that Arsenal want for Leno and I think Leno would rather go to Gladbach than to change Fulham.

You get the idea of ​​Europe by seeing how much is possible when the unity between the team and the coach is right. If you look at Cologne last season, you can see how a team with a much lower quality can reach Europe if you have a system that suits the team. And just because you say you want to play for Europe doesn’t mean that you end up there. If you end up 7th-9th, you’re only a few spots better than last season, which was the worst in 10 years and was completely chaotic.

Please provide a little more information next time if you really want to say something about other clubs and their fans. If you just want to provoke then congratulations you got me to write a long text and enjoy it.

First of all, I hope that my partly exaggerated irony is not taken literally in every line.

To Hoffmann and Sommer: If everything always looks like whereabouts, I wonder why the negotiations are taking so long? I am also not aware of any statement in which either of the two clearly positions themselves on Gladbach. The recent past (not only at Borussia) has shown where this often leads.

To Thuram and Bense: It looks like they both want to leave. Especially with Thuram no longer a secret. Whether they come out of the changing room laughing is not meaningful at all in my opinion. On the other hand, moving into position in one’s own career has more significance, which is one of the reasons why things went so poorly in the entire team last season.

I know about the coach’s decision. However, it’s more about maybe spitting out a bit smaller tones, because Hütter was also considered (also in my opinion at the time) to be a super duper obligation. We’ll only know in a few months whether it fits, even if the “training impressions” are outstanding. Incidentally, I think Farke is a good choice. Nevertheless, with currently uncertain outcome.

Sorry, but Leno is completely utopian from my point of view. I don’t believe that Gladbach would shell out 11 million plus a top salary for a goalkeeper, nor would I be sure if he would leave the Premier League for Gladbach.

That’s the point! Cologne had a team last season.
I’m completely missing that impression in Gladbach at the moment. Speculations without end as far as extensions or changes are concerned and nobody really knows who should come for whom if XY arrives or not.
You can definitely be of the opinion that “Gladbach will have a hard time” without reducing all training sessions on site to the smile factor.

I don’t think you have to feel provoked immediately either, because from my point of view the same things are repeating themselves (new coach, extensions, speculation about changes) that made last season a horror.
The only difference is that Eberl already knew exactly what he was doing back then and the tenor is now slowly being taken up by Virkus.

I’ve pinpointed your points just to go into detail, but this shouldn’t just apply to you, it should serve as information for a few others as well.

I can’t say why Sommer and Hofmann haven’t extended their contract yet, as I don’t have any internal information. The question is when will there be a clear commitment. You won’t get that from any player with the opportunity to make a lucrative move. However, both players have already said that they can definitely imagine staying with Gladbach for a summer just a few days ago, although he is said to have already agreed with Nice.

Thuram’s failed move to Inter last summer may have played a role in why he didn’t perform. However, he makes a different impression than last season, so of course it’s impossible to say how that will ultimately affect the Bundesliga games. But even if he doesn’t extend it, he also has a self-interest in performing in the season because you can see how few offers he has.

It has to be said about Hütter that he was of course also perceived positively. On the one hand because of the consistently positive results he has achieved in his previous positions and also because he was able to continue Rose’s previous style of play. However, even then there were voices from Frankfurt who said that Hütter’s relationship with the team was not always really good. At the time, the whole thing was dismissed as envy of the people of Frankfurt and initially ignored. Ultimately, that was also the problem with Hütter, which interviews with players have now confirmed.

As an outsider who doesn’t know anything about the club’s finances, you probably can’t assess how realistic Leno is. By that I mean everyone who is not involved in the club’s decisions, including the Gladbach fans. However, it is likely that there will be no absolute gherkin in the Gladbacher Tor when the summer is over.

I think the different impressions are the crux of the matter. We Borussia fans are feeling a sense of optimism and we have the feeling that the team is a team again. That’s why we’re optimistic. Others outside the club don’t perceive this spirit of optimism and see the whole thing completely differently, which is why there are so many different views.
