Report: Arminia Bielefeld dismisses coach Frank Kramer

Quote from Wolfe7

And for that Uwe Neuhaus had to go…
I praise Greuter Fürth for sticking to Leitl or Paderborn back then with Baumgart. They realized that the squad just wasn’t good enough for the Bundesliga and continued with the promotion coach, who they have to thank for making it to the Bundesliga in the first place.
Sure, Bielefeld was able to hold the class with Kramer last season, but that might have worked with Neuhaus as well. In any case, it should have been clear to everyone that it will be difficult for Bielefeld to stay in the Bundesliga in the long term. Cases like Union Berlin are simply the exception.

As a Wolfsburg fan, I was of course hoping for a report like this for the last few days, but according to Schmadtke’s latest statements, we’ll probably have to put up with Kohfeldt for a while longer.

With Neuhaus we might have been relegated last season, because nothing worked anymore. Had, would have brought you nothing more.

A relegation was a realistic scenario before the season, now you still have a small chance to keep the class, whether the step will bring anything – no idea. I think in the end it won’t be enough, with or without Kramer.

BTW: The football romantic likes to bring up the example of Union Berlin, but forgets that Union was one of the financially strongest players in the 2nd Bundesliga during the promotion season. Only Cologne and HSV spent more on players. Keyword Quattrex German Opportunities. Union had more money in the last 2. Liga season than we did in the 1. Bundesliga. Everything is fine, but Union is by no means a child of poverty and cannot be compared with Bielefeld, Fürth, Paderborn or Darmstadt.
