Replay: On the train on the flight to Poland

During the Christmas holidays, our editors present their favorite episode from last year. Today: Anne Moraal, head of the audio editing department.

When Putin began his invasion of Ukraine, a huge flow of refugees started. Correspondent Emilie van Outeren was in Kiev when the first bombs fell. Together with thousands of Ukrainians, she made the journey from Kiev via Lviv to Poland. On the way, she felt the fear and despair, and saw men being separated from their families.

Read the article about the train journey Emilie made from Kiev here. And here more about the men left behind on the platform in Lviv.

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Emilie van Outeren
Egbert Kalse
Alegria Ioannidis, Anna Korterink & Mila-Marie Bleeksma
Yeppe van Kesteren
Henk Ruigrok van der Werven
Roman Pilipey/EPA
