Replacement therapy and hot flashes: what is still unknown

THEthe problem of hot flashes in menopause: “It affects about 60 per cent of women in a mild formwith less than 30 episodes a week and a low impact on the quality of life, and in moderate and severe form another 20 percent, which has up to 5 per day with heavy repercussions on social relationships and at work “sfold Rossella Nappi, professor of Gynecology and head of the menopause center of the Irccs San Matteo in Pavia.

Flushing: symptoms and duration

The resulting hot flashes and intense sweating trigger a cascading series of symptoms. “Tachycardia, anxiety and irregular sleep, with 2-3 nocturnal awakenings that make the woman feel more fatigued and more nervous to the point of causing a depressive state” continues Nappi.

How long can the symptoms last? “1 to 3 years for the most part, up to 7 in a minority and more in less than 10 percent of cases, ”says the expert. To hormone replacement therapy (tos) which may represent a relief, according to a survey by the National Observatory on Women’s and Gender Health only one in 20 women recurs. The fear of side effects is still quite widespread (in more than 3 out of 10 women). “It is unwarranted resistance. Today therapies are safer because they are based on natural hormones, not synthetic as they used to be, and at a low dose, less than half compared to 20 years ago, reducing the risk of thrombosis and breast cancer in treatments under 5 years. Longer-lasting use is only recommended if the patient really needs it, ”says Nappi.

