Replace bridge: road in Meppel closed for four months

In the coming months, access to Meppel via the Commissioner de Vos van Steenwijklaan will be closed. The road along the railway will be closed to replace the bridge over the Wold Aa. The road will be closed for four months on Monday. The part of the Ruinerwoldseweg along the railway will also be closed.

The contractor will start by breaking up the roadway and sidewalks. Then the bridge goes out. After bank protection has been installed in the Wold Aa, the new bridge will be built.

Local traffic is possible via detour routes and residents of the street remain accessible. The bus will not drive through the Haveltermade district, as long as the bridge is under construction. There will be a reference to bus stops in the area that will remain in use. Pedestrians and cyclists will not be affected by the work.

The design of the new bridge is based on the estate of Commissioner de Vos van Steenwijk, near De Gelder castle in Wijhe. Car traffic, cyclists and pedestrians keep their own place on the bridge. There will also be a fauna passage, a crossing point for animals. The monumental chestnut tree that is already there will be preserved. There will also be a bench with a view of the Wold Aa.
