Repetition – Why the government is failing to combat poverty

Hague Affairs there is a Christmas break. But do not be sad. We have selected three previous episodes for you, in which we discuss three major themes that will end up on the plate of the next cabinet and that will play a major role in its formation. So that you enter the new political year well prepared.

In the Netherlands, more than 800,000 people live in poverty. At the same time, combating poverty is one of the spearheads of the Rutte IV cabinet, which once appointed the first minister for poverty and set the ambition in the coalition agreement to halve the number of children growing up in poverty in four years. But how do you realize such a great ambition?

In this Hague Affairs we talk about poverty. What exactly are we talking about when we talk about ‘poverty’? How has thinking about this shifted over the years? And what can the government do to help citizens? You will hear from Christiaan Pelgrim how political will and (political) reality are still far apart.

Do you have questions, suggestions or ideas about our journalism? Please email our ombudsman at [email protected].

Listen further

How thousands of people live in poverty due to a government mistake

The Hour with political scientist Tim ‘S Jongers

Read further

‘We have 27 different forms of income support – citizens cannot find an answer’

Twice as many people in poverty due to government error

Been in poverty for years, due to a mistake by the government

In the Dutch class system, your name and appearance also matter

Guus Valk
Christian Pilgrim
Editorial & Production:
Iris Verhulsdonk & Vita van Lennep
Pieter Bakker
David van Dam
