Repair of the A58 will be night work: ‘Hopefully ready before the morning rush hour’

The repair work on the A58 near Moergestel, where a truck rammed a road workers’ car on Monday morning, will continue until late at night. A spokesperson for Rijkswaterstaat said this. The road has been closed since ten o’clock on Monday evening.

Traffic was still able to drive past the accident site during the afternoon. The truck was on the shoulder and so all lanes were open again. Traffic was allowed to drive at a maximum speed of 70 kilometers per hour and a viewing screen had been placed at the site of the accident to prevent traffic jams.

Not during rush hour
The damage on the highway is enormous, a spokesperson for Rijkswaterstaat said on Monday afternoon. 80 meters of the guardrail are broken and there is oil and manure on the road and on the verge. The manure came from the truck.

“In order to recover the truck and clean the road, we have to close the entire highway,” the spokesperson explained. Rijkswaterstaat did not want to do this during rush hour because it would cause too much traffic disruption. “The truck is no longer there on the road, but on the side of the road. That’s why we can leave it for now and let the traffic continue,” he said.

Night work
The clean-up and repair job started at ten o’clock. From that time onwards, the A58 from Eindhoven to Tilburg, near Moergestel, will be closed. “We first recover the truck, then we ensure that the diesel and manure are off the road and off the verge. We also need to repair a large section of the guardrail.”

All in all, this will take hours, Rijkswaterstaat expects. “So it will be night work.”

The highway is expected to be open again in time for the Tuesday morning rush hour. How the accident happened is still being investigated by the police. The road worker was slightly injured in the accident.

READ ALSO: Truck collides with car, clean-up takes until the evening
