Renze Klamer sorts for declining viewing figures Johan Derksen

Renze Klamer sorts on declining viewing figures for Johan Derksen and his talk show Today Inside. “If their momentum wears off, I’m curious to see how long those numbers will stay that high!”


The arrival of Today Inside has seriously cornered the late talk shows of RTL 4. After Eva Jinek, Beau van Erven Dorens is currently also struggling with severely disappointing viewing figures. How does the new RTL 4 acquisition Renze Klamer view this? He will take over the talk show baton from Humberto Tan for a month in August.

Renze about VI

Renze finds it uncomfortable that the talk show landscape has been turned upside down by VI. “It is also a bit of a strange time, that things are shifting a bit and that of course there is now a lot of attention with the gentlemen of VI. Which I also think: we should all see how long that can be kept,” he says in the podcast Content Wars

He sorts for a decrease in viewing figures for Johan. “Of course those men also have some kind of momentum because they created a huge riot themselves. The question is… If that fades again at some point, I’m curious how long those numbers will stay that high. It is also a bit of a snapshot now.”

Low ratings

It could just be Renze’s wishful thinking. He will be on the channel throughout August with his talk show and the men of VI will return from their summer break in mid-August.

Jelle Maasbacht, presenter of the podcast, asks Renze: “Lately, the viewing figures of Jinek and Beau have been a bit less. Is there some kind of goal set for you? In the summer, of course, traditionally fewer people watch, but did they say: ‘You have to attract at least 500 thousand viewers’?”

Renze resolutely: “No, they didn’t say that.”

200 thousand viewers

However, Renze is also not happy if only 200 or 300 thousand people are watching. “No, of course I’m not happy, absolutely not. Of course you want it to interest at least a large group of people. I think that’s why you make television, because otherwise you can also make a podcast.”

He continues: “You have to have a somewhat broad sales market, that’s inherent in the profession. There are no absolute targets, but you can sense that if I get 200,000 viewers, after a few days people will start calling: ‘We are going to hold an extra meeting to see how we can turn this around a bit. ‘”

Is Renze currently looking for a kind of Johan Derksen who dares to say everything? “Not me. Oh, no.”

Content Wars

The podcast Content Wars with Renze Klamer as main guest:
