Renze Klamer reveals what a talk show star’s day looks like

Talk show stars constantly say that presenting a talk show is so incredibly hard. But what exactly does a day in their life look like? Renze Klamer explains.


Renze Klamer says that he can just sleep in in the morning, because the morning team then goes through the newspapers and the online news. He only gets up at 8.30 am, after sleeping for seven hours. “At 10:00 there is a meeting with the editor-in-chief and compiler,” says the presenter.

Renze’s routine

Fortunately, Renze herself is still free. What does he do every day around 11 am? “Go for some exercise or something like that.”

The real work then starts at 3 p.m.; then he arrives at the studio. “Eat at 5.30 pm, make-up at 8 pm, rehearsal at 8.30 pm, the show at 9.45 pm, chat with the audience and guests at 11 pm, go home at 00.00 and sleep at 00.30.”

And that for a whole month: he can only go on holiday after Friday. And then? “From November, I will be making a talk show every weekend on Saturday and Sunday at RTL 4.”

Not in the top 15

The last broadcast week of Renze did not start very well, because yesterday he again did not attract enough viewers for a place in the top 15 viewership. He fell just outside of that with 574 thousand viewers (17 percent market share). Competitor Op1 did much better with a generous 956 thousand viewers (33 percent) on NPO 1.

The talk show with the highest viewership usually gets the best guests. The less-watched talk shows can therefore end up in a vicious circle. An example of this is HLF8. Some guests did not even want to sit down there last season because of the presenter: Johnny de Mol.

The Smartest on one

The big winner in prime time was De Slimste Mens with 1.7 million viewers (33 percent) on NPO 2. Immediately afterwards, Nieuwsuur had 711 thousand (17 percent) left. NPO 1 takes silver with MAX Vakantieman, good for 1.1 million viewers (22 percent). After that, Dit Was Aad, Goedenavond attracted another 601 thousand viewers (15 percent).

Furthermore, RTL 4’s B&B Vol Liefde (889 thousand and 18 percent) and RTL 5’s 112 Today (448 thousand and 11 percent) were the most popular during prime time. SBS 6 did not get more than 266 thousand viewers (5 percent) for Farmers, Bibles and Beauties.

Viewing figures

Other programs that did not make the top 15 include Hart van Nederland (539 thousand), Gort over de Grens (503 thousand), Shownieuws (414 thousand) and Shownieuws Zomereitie (160 thousand).

The viewing figures of Monday, July 25, 2022 (SKO):

Top 15

Market shares (18-24h, 6+)

01. News 20:00 (NPO1) 1,857,00001. NPO1 / 25.1%
02. The Smartest Human (NPO2) 1,708,00002. RTL4 / 18.5%
03. MAX Holiday man (NPO1) 1,118,00003. NPO2 / 13.8%
04. News 18:00 (NPO1) 985,00004. SBS6 / 7.5%
05. Half past seven news (RTL4) 972.00005. RTL5 / 4.3%
06. Op1 (NPO1) 956,00006. NPO3 / 4.0%
07. B&B Full of Love (RTL4) 889.00007. Vero / 3.9%
08. I Know All About It (RTL4) 797,00008.NET5/3.3%
09. RTL Boulevard (RTL4) 796,00009. RTL7 / 2.9%
10. EenVandaag (NPO1) 756,00010. RTL8 / 2.6%
11. Sports news (NPO1) 738,00011. Discov / 1.2%
12. News Hour (NPO2) 711,00012. SBS9 / 1.2%
13. Athletics World Championship (NPO1) 602,00013. Paramount / 1.1%
14. This Was Aad Goedenavond (NPO1) 601.00014. BBC / 1.0%
15. Edition NL (RTL4) 580.00015. TLC / 0.9%

Market shares per channel group (18-24h, 6+)

More viewing figures at:

01. Public Broadcasting 42.9%
02. RTL Netherlands 29.2%
03. Talpa TV 15.9%
