Renze Klamer responds to fierce criticism, support from Sylvana Simons

Renze Klamer responds to Guido den Aantrekker’s fierce criticism that he is ‘too left and too woke’. The talk show host is supported by the well-known politician Sylvana Simons.


It’s not really going well for Renze Klamer. His viewing figures disappoint and now he has also got Guido den Aantrekker over him. The editor-in-chief of Story finds the presenter ‘too left and too woke’. He expressed that criticism last night after Renze talked about asylum seekers in his program.

“I’m sorry Guido”

Renze reprimanded a guest at the table when he spoke of ‘without prospects’ instead of ‘safe citizens’ and also questioned a VVD politician about the overcrowded asylum reception in Ter Apel. “Isn’t Renze a bit too left and too woke for the neutral RTL 4?”, Guido wonders.

That sneer from Guido has not escaped Renze’s attention either. He responds sarcastically: “Sorry Guido, I will no longer worry about small children who have to sleep outside on a pack of toilet paper.”

Support from Sylvana

Sylvana Simons supports Renze. She thinks the presenter is ‘humane’. “Good, Renze! All that humanity is good for nothing!” she responds, also sarcastically.

And Guido makes himself heard again: “Nobel outside the show. Within that, I would like to be a little less colored as a talk show host for a wide audience; leave the opinions mainly to the guests at the table.”

‘Woke supporters’

Guido is now under fire from Renze’s supporters, he says. “Hahaha, the entire woke base of Renze in foaming state.”

One André says: “I now understand why SBS 6 is such a jerk channel that I never see anything useful on, what a folding rake you are.”

Guido then: “Juckzender is together.”


Renze’s response:
