Rent increase for social housing in 2022 known | news item

News item | 15-02-2022 | 13:55

Most tenants of social housing can receive a rent increase of a maximum of 2.3% from July 2022. The rent increase is limited to the average annual inflation rate until December 2021. Until July 1, 2022, the rents of social rental homes may not be increased. Tenants are thus protected against excessively high rent increases, while at the same time landlords are given the opportunity to cover the costs that also rise for them due to, among other things, the development of inflation, as well as necessary investments in new construction and sustainability. In this way they can continue to perform their public housing tasks properly.

Tenants can check on whether they are renting social housing or private sector housing.

Overview: permitted rent increase as of 1 July 2022 for self-contained social housing

The monthly rent may be increased by a maximum of *
Rent increase that is not dependent on income
  • 2.3% for renting from €300
  • €25, if the rent is below €300
Rent increase that does depend on income (2020)
One person householdHousehold of two or more persons
Income not higher than
Income not higher than
  • 2.3% for renting from €300
  • €25, if the rent is below €300
Income between €47,948 and
€ 56,527
Income between €55,486 and €75,369€50
Income more than
€ 56,527
Income is more than

*) As long as the rent does not exceed the maximum rent limit of the house due to the rent increase. The maximum rent limit for the home is determined by the home valuation system (points system).

Social (regulated) or free sector?

Landlord and tenant can check on whether a home falls within the regulated or free sector.

Rent increase free sector

A maximum rent increase of the inflation rate + 1% applies to independent homes in the free sector. In 2022, this amounts to a permitted rent increase of a maximum of 3.3%. This maximum permitted increase applies from January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023.


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