Rent equipment via app: Stay in shape with the sports box

As of: September 26, 2023 11:57 a.m

Sport and exercise are important. If you prefer to do it outside but don’t just want to jog, you can now benefit from the “Sportbox”. Anyone interested can borrow equipment such as Deuser bands or kettlebells using the app. The first of these boxes is now also available in Saarland.

with information from Thomas Braml

In the 70s and 80s, fitness trails were very popular. On a circular course there was an exercise station every few hundred meters – for example with a bar for pull-ups or tree stumps for leaps. Running and strength exercises combined, kind of like old-fashioned cross fit.

Register for free and borrow devices

The fitness trails have now been forgotten. But there is something new that might inspire those interested in sports in the future – the so-called sports boxes. This includes devices and equipment that can be borrowed via the app. Kettlebells, skipping ropes, yoga mats, medicine balls and much more can be used to get fit outside.

Participating is easy: you can register using the app and get started. This sports offering is financed, among others, by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) – it is free for users.

Only one box in Saarland

Of the more than 100 sports boxes in Germany to date, one is in Saarland – on the Saar in St. Arnual at the Daarler Bridge behind the Kulturbiergarten. Anyone who has registered can book a time slot of up to one hour and complete their sports program. According to the provider, the equipment is sufficient for up to 20 people at the same time.

And who is liable for theft or vandalism? The sports box is equipped with a camera system. This means that damage or theft can be traced at any time. The relevant users are therefore liable.

The current report on September 25, 2023 also reported on this topic.

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