René van der Gijp thinks that Wilfred Genee is not satisfied with VI

René van der Gijp has the idea that Wilfred Genee is not satisfied enough with Today Inside alone. “But that’s not it at all René. I am very happy with our program.”

© William Rutten

Wilfred Genee is a hard worker by Hilversum standards. In addition to the daily Today Inside, he also does the football program Veronica Offside and a radio program on BNR. Why is all that? It is a constant feeling of unrest, the presenter explains in the podcast Go-getters.

Living in the future

How exactly does that work? Wilfred explains that he wanted to become a football presenter from the age of 12. “The funny thing is of course: because I was always working towards something from the age of 12, I always lived in the future for a long time, so I never really appreciated the things I did.”

He continues: “I was able to cover Maradona’s farewell match in Buenos Aires in front of 60,000 crying people and I just thought: next week I’m going to do that, I’m going to do this. Then I wasn’t in the moment. Then I wasn’t in the moment enough. And that commentary position went back and forth.”

Not satisfied enough

That variety ensures that you are always working on the next thing, says Wilfred. “Every week I competed in Italy, in Germany, in France, in England. And too often I thought: oh then I have that match next week, that match.”

That feeling of restlessness is sometimes confused with boredom, he continues. “René always thinks that I am not satisfied enough with our program. I say: ‘But that’s not it at all, René. I am very happy with our program. I also really enjoy doing fun things on the side, because I’m quite restless.’”

In bed all day

René is a lazy person, Wilfred continues. “René just lies on the couch all day, gets out of bed at 12 o’clock, because he usually watches TV until 5 o’clock at night. So he can’t imagine anything about that. It has nothing to do with my appreciation for our program, but more with the unrest I feel within myself.”

Now Wilfred is trying to channel that. “The only thing I try to do is not to look too far ahead at what I want to achieve, but rather what I do, that I enjoy it a little more and that I am more present.”
