René van der Gijp suspects Roxeanne Hazes: ‘She is leaking Private!’

René van der Gijp thinks that Roxeanne Hazes has leaked her father’s will to the weekly magazine Privé. “That’s that daughter, that’s that daughter. But that doesn’t matter,” said the VI star.


The lines of Rachel Hazes with the Story are so short that they can almost include her in the colophon. Yet she keeps calling out that it would be daughter Roxeanne who maintains warm ties with the tabloid press. Disgusting, says RTL Boulevard star Rob Goossens. “It’s a pretty dirty allegation, of course.”

Gossip press

Now that the will of the late André Hazes has been leaked through the weekly magazine Privé, there are people who think that Roxeanne did that. However, according to editor-in-chief Evert Santegoeds, this is nonsense. “Everyone thinks: you got that from Roxeanne! Well, absolutely not. In fact, there are documents in the magazine that I don’t think Roxeanne has seen yet.”

Yvonne Coldeweijer does not believe that. She says on her juice channel: “A bit crazy what Evert says. Of course, Rox has access to all documents, including the will. These have all been submitted to the court as exhibits. That’s probably how Evert arrived here. So it’s nonsense that he has parts that Rox has never seen.”

Rachel’s fear

However, Rachel claims that there are also documents that show that she is indeed André’s heir, something that is disputed by Roxeanne. “She tries to request the documents that Rox does not have from Rachel,” says Yvonne. “That’s what the lawsuit is about. I doubt that Evert has this.”

In the meantime, Rachel herself is pissed off that her fear has come true: “Yesterday my fear was confirmed that handing over documents would lead to them leaking in the tabloid press.”

Boof Roxanne

Johan Derksen says in Today Inside that he resents the leaking of the documents to Privé. “The real villain of this story is, of course, the one who leaked the deed of inheritance. How did it get to Private?”

According to René van der Gijp, that ‘crook’ is Roxeanne. “That’s that daughter, that’s that daughter. But that does not matter.”

Whole world quarrel

Show news connoisseur Bart Ettekoven thinks that Rachel should put her hand in her own bosom. “I really don’t understand her anymore. I don’t understand how you can let it get this far. I’ve always been really good with her, but it can’t be that you’re arguing with the whole world and it’s all the other people’s fault, right?”

He concludes: “She always shouts when she enters the courtroom: ‘I really regret sitting here’, but then I think: yes, you have to thank yourself. (…) I find it deeply and deeply sad.”
