René van der Gijp pivotal in new VI crisis: ‘Don’t want to follow Jinek’

René van der Gijp is the pivot in the latest crisis surrounding Today Inside: he created an icy atmosphere in their talk show on SBS 6 on Friday evening. What is he angry about? “He does not want to follow Jinek.”


Once in a while it’s bumblebee between the men of Today Inside. Now it’s hit again: René van der Gijp created an icy atmosphere in their talk show on SBS 6 on Friday evening. Mark Rutte will sit at the table at VI for the second time in a short time on Wednesday and René threatens to stay away if Johan Derksen his behavior does not adjust.

Jinke behind

René’s threat caused a five-second (!) silence at the VI table. Where does René’s annoyance come from? Something seems to have been brewing for a while, because René is the only one of the VI trio who does not want to sign a new contract with SBS 6. The channel wants to stretch the Friday broadcast to an hour and a half. And that from next week.

TV connoisseur Bart Ettekoven Show news: “That is of course a tricky point, because they themselves have lashed out at Eva Jinek quite a few times in that regard. Of course they themselves said about Jinek: ‘That program takes too long!’ And now they are almost going to make about the same length themselves.”

And René does not want to follow Jinek. “So there is some noise behind the scenes.”

‘Not done yet’

Shownieuws presenter Airen Mylene speaks of ‘tension and arguing’ and according to Bart, no decisions have been made yet. “I think they are really far from over. Talpa himself also does not want to respond. That’s the rare thing. We are already talking about next Friday that the broadcast should be longer and that is therefore completely unknown.”

He continues: “I think there is also a bit of irritation at that table: we don’t know anything. (…) It was a striking moment. René throws the bat into the chicken coop. You really saw the surprise on Johan’s face.”

Airen: “I thought it was a very nice fragment.”

Not tasty

What does TV connoisseur Rob Goossens think of it? He says in RTL Boulevard: “It all didn’t look good. What I find very striking is that René’s criticism of the program is purely substantive. He criticizes the fact that the Friday night program should be longer and he just doesn’t think that works.”

René is right about that, says Rob. “I have to say, I totally agree with him. It all looks super careless, but you have to stick with what you know works perfectly.”


Will the men of VI split up? Presenter Daan Nieber wonders: “I think the contract negotiations are still ongoing, so the question is whether these three gentlemen will still be seen together?”

Rob: “No, that will happen again. They have come together so many times. I do advise them to listen carefully to René, because he is absolutely right.”

Daan: “In any case, there will be new rounds next week, new opportunities for Derksen to really listen, because Rutte will be a guest with the gentlemen again on April 5.”

The men of Today Inside have not yet responded substantively to their conflict. Wilfred Genee has confirmed that there is tension in the air.
