René le Blanc makes himself known in a gossip magazine: ‘Fat finger!’

René le Blanc has been working as a camp artist for quite a few years now, so you would think that he has developed a thick skin by now, but nothing could be further from the truth. “Fat finger!”

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There is no one who will deny that celebrities sometimes have to suffer a lot in public opinion, but as a starting artist you of course know what you are getting into. Criticism is part of it, but there is one problem: all those presenting, singing and acting ladies and gentlemen are plagued by above-average long toes.

Big loser

We have heard René le Blanc complaining about reactions on the internet in interviews for years now. That people always put him down so much and don’t see him as a full-fledged artist. Even after years and years, he still can’t give it a place.

It’s terrible, says the artist in conversation with Weekend. “You like me or you don’t, but I find it very easy when people write an opinion about me on the internet from their living room, from behind their keyboard, even though they don’t know me. Sorry to say, but if you do that, you’re just a big loser.”

Big finger

Well, that’s out you would think; René has beautifully portrayed these people as big losers. But that’s not all; his anonymous critics also get a big thumbs up!

René: “A lot of people called me a comedian and I really took that to heart. But now I think: if you have an opinion about me and you don’t know me, big finger to you. I don’t lose sleep over it. I don’t think I’m doing it that crazy at the moment.”

Way too serious

It’s no secret that René takes himself way too seriously. He really feels that he delivers some kind of high quality. When asked how he sees himself in the artist world, he says: “I think what I do is quite good. I could also get four shows on a Saturday night.”

However, then he would be below his level, according to René. “Then I appear in certain bars and they expect me to sing songs that are not in my comfort zone, such as Guardian Angel.”

Large foot tent

Guardian Angel? Isn’t that somewhat the same repertoire as René’s? No, he says firmly. “I am booked as René le Blanc, I have my own repertoire and I sing it. Then maybe I don’t belong in a big party tent and that doesn’t matter. I make music because I like it.”

He concludes: “I’m not there to record records to have a number one hit. If that happens I’ll be in stitches, I won’t deny that, but I’m 55, how long do I have? I do not know. I see people around me dying of a rotten disease, I know that.”

Well, he’s starting his weekend on a pessimistic note…
