René (49): ‘I schedule my washing machine at 12:00, then there is often the most sun’ | Energy bill

Energy billHow much money do you spend on energy at home? How do you try to bring costs down? We ask a Dutch person these questions every week. Today: René Quist (49) from Rotterdam.

How do you live?

“I live in a terraced house with a living space of 90 square meters in Rotterdam. My house was built in 2000 in the Nieuw Terbregge district. I live very well, because at the time this house was already ahead of the curve in terms of energy-saving measures. The house is therefore well insulated and there was already a solar water heater in it. I live there alone and my daughters aged 12 and 15 are there every other week.

I came to live there in 2016. Four years ago I bought six solar panels. I was self-employed at the time and I didn’t feel like putting my money into my pension. I found solar panels more fun and an immediately profitable investment. I saw my energy bill drop from 80 to 45 euros per month. So a year later I decided to buy another five solar panels. I have never regretted that. I now generate more than I consume. Of course that has been a financial matter, but I am also doing it from a moral point of view. I think I should do this to do my bit for the world.”

Would you like to participate in this section yourself? Mail to [email protected]. This episode of ‘Energy Account’ has been assessed by energy performance consultant and real estate agent Fabian Grotenhuis from Dieren.

What kind of energy contract do you have?

,,I have a three-year contract with Essent. I pay 28 euros per month. My consumption was -535 kWh of electricity and 583 cubic meters of gas. I signed that contract in December 2021. I once left Essent because they had done something wrong with me, but in principle I was satisfied. So I told them to call for an offer when my new contract expired. That happened. They said in December that they expected the rates to rise significantly, so they had a very competitive offer for me. Well, it turns out that those rates have gone up.”


I have a south-facing garden, so the sun always warms the room nicely

René Quist (49) from Rotterdam

What do you do to lower your energy bill?

“I use as much electricity as possible during the day. I do this because I then use the electricity that I generate with my solar panels. I take this into account when washing, for example. I schedule my washing machine for noon in the afternoon, because that’s when the sun is often most intense. I find that annoying with the dishwasher. It’s just a habit that I empty it in the morning. I also use electricity as much as possible. I have a Quooker, I cook on induction and I have an electric heater. But maybe I would like to replace it with an infrared panel in the kitchen. For when I’m working there. I don’t actually use my heating between April and October. I have a south-facing garden, so the sun always warms the room nicely.

Yet in the winter I have 22 degrees in the house. I don’t like cold. And my energy bill is not high at the moment anyway. A heat pump? No, I’m not interested in any of that. Then perhaps a split air conditioner that can also heat. But that’s a big investment. The only pity is that I can’t charge my hybrid car at home. I don’t have my own driveway, so unfortunately I can’t load myself.”

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