Remppa or move Finland: a special toilet solution

A glass wall in the toilet and bathroom with a glass door is a rare sight in Finnish homes.

According to their own statements, Pirjo and Seppo like glass in windows, for example. Four

Remppa vai muutto Suomi series interior architect Marko Paananen ends up with a special solution Pirjon and Sepon in home renovation.

A couple from Espoo likes saunas, but the current facilities are cramped for a family of three. Marko wants to bring the feeling of space in an unusual way.

The sauna is located in the same space as the bathroom – and toilet – on the upper floor of the terraced apartment. At the end of the stairs is a small hall, which also leads to three bedrooms.

In the initial situation, you enter the bathroom through a regular, closed door. The wall around the door is also closed, as it almost always is.

In the initial situation, the access to the combined toilet, bathroom and sauna is through an ordinary door and a doorway, which is made into a solid wall. Four

However, Marko replaces the wall with a transparent glass wall. Only its lower left corner is half-walled. The standard door is also replaced by a glass door. The solution may be familiar from, for example, a hotel room, as is the case with Pirjo and Sepo, but nothing similar has ever come across Remppa or moving in Finland. This type of solution is less common in Finnish homes in general.

One of the walls in the upstairs lobby is now transparent glass. On the right you can see the passage to the staircase. Four

After the change, the bathroom, where the toilet is also located, has an unobstructed view of the upstairs hall – and two of the bedrooms. If you want, you can pull the curtains in front of the glass wall, which are on the bathroom side.

The transformation comes as a surprise to Pirjo and Sepo.

– Help, Pirjo can only say.

– A glass door? he then lowers his voice.

– Oh, you can still get there from Pirjo.

The toilet bowl is located behind the half wall. However, the door to the bathroom is completely glass. Four

Interpreting the situation, Marko directly asks if there is fear in the air.

– It feels exciting, Pirjo formulates.

In front of the TV cameras, Seppo also arranges his words.

– Glass is really good for the sauna door, he says – and doesn’t mention anything about the bathroom or toilet door, let alone the entire wall.

– And to the windows, Pirjo adds significantly.

Anne Ramsay is looking for a new home for Pirjo and Sepo, while Marko Paananen is renovating the old one. Four

Marko wants to explain why he decided on a glass solution.

– With coloring and an indirect light strip, we get the space of a lobby when viewed from the bathroom. When the bathroom is not in use, we get the space of the bathroom visually from the hall.

Already before, Marko’s plan has been questioned in front of the cameras by the foreman Juha Myllykangas.

– Glass? Glass? Marko no, Juha has agreed.

Remppa or move to Finland today on Nelose at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
