Remmos moves the villa out! Settlement failed in court

Constant trouble with the Remmos …

The dispute over the eviction of a confiscated villa belonging to the notorious Arab-born clan will keep the judiciary busy for some time.

Because: A comparison between the Neukölln district and the extended family failed on Thursday before the Neukölln district court. Now the court is expected to hear witnesses, as the judge suggested at the first trial date – which took place under increased police protection as a precaution.

That’s what the dispute is about: From the district’s point of view, the lease for the villa is fake because there are discrepancies in the contract data. It is also unclear whether an administrator was employed for the property in Buckow. The clan denies the allegations.

Jusuf Remmo, son of clan boss Issa Remmo, on Thursday in the district court of Neukölln (Photo: Timo Beurich)

The district has owned the property since 2020 and is therefore the landlord, previously it belonged to Jusuf Remmo, a son of clan boss Issa Remmo. He had rented it to his mother.

The house and land belong to 77 properties that the public prosecutor’s office confiscated in 2018. According to court rulings, these were not bought with legal money. In the case of the villa, there is a legally binding decision according to which the state of Berlin is the owner. A corresponding entry in the land register was made in September 2020.

also read

► Police are looking for a possible Remmo accomplice for jewel robbery

► Eviction lawsuit against the Remmo clan because he does not leave his family villa

Last August, the district of the family had given notice and set a deadline of October 2021 to move out. When the clan failed to vacate the mansion on November 1, the district went to court.

Reason: The relationship of trust with the tenant is disturbed because a forged rental agreement was presented. Rental payments over 6800 euros, which the district is still demanding, were also paid to an administrator.

Trial resumed on March 17th.
