Remise en forme, get back into shape in May

M.Agio is the month of remise en forme. No one has officially proclaimed it but many are starting to take better care of themselves in view of the holidays. Between the right diet, avoiding a few snags, returning to exercise if you have left it aside during the year and trying to maintain or adopt a healthier lifestyle, regaining physical shape is not just a matter of body weight but it is a balance between different elements. This also includes maintaining a high level of hydration.

Remise en forme, a delicate mix of different factors

It is a process that involves the whole body, it is not just an eternal struggle with the balance and one’s own weight. Alongside nutrition, which is fundamental, water and proper rest are equally important that help keep your body in shape, “he explains Paola Miretta, personal trainer.

The first useful step, in addition to choosing a professional to be followed, is begin to purify your body “If the organism has never been subjected to any diet, eliminating alcohol and sweets already makes a difference. Detoxing the body also means choosing to review your food choices: for example, preferring seasonal and zero-kilometer fruit and vegetables and, in general, lightly processed foods“. This kind of product, in fact, contains less salt and fewer preservatives, being mainly fresh, thus reducing oxidative elements inside which are responsible for slowing down the liver metabolism, explains the expert.

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Review macronutrients and micronutrients

A change of habits that makes also discover other ingredients such as oats or quinoa which can replace or complement the classic pasta and rice because they are slow-release, that is they fill and satisfy by slowly releasing the energy needed for the day. “Also not to be underestimated is the presence of the so-called” good vegetable fats “, such as extra virgin olive oil, almonds and walnuts which also help the nervous system”.

Then it is important to drink: not only because the arrival of summer does not cause temperatures to rise and therefore there is a greater need for mineral salts, but also because drinking cleanses the body, supports the muscles and “deceives” hunger by filling the stomach.

Weight loss also involves reducing stress

As the expert points out, it is essential not have an obsession with the scales «When it comes to body weight, we never take into account that there are many components, including lean mass and fat mass. This factor is important because often, weighing oneself, one thinks that he has not lost weight, not taking into consideration instead that the level of fat mass may have been lowered and that of lean mass, that is muscle, has been raised. For this, beyond the number on the scale, it is essential to try on clothes to understand if you are getting back in shape“.

Stress should not be underestimatedbecause weight loss also passes through here “When you are under pressure you can react in two ways: not eating or venting on food because a mechanism of compensation and self-fulfillment is activated that passes precisely through food, usually even the least healthy one. It is the so-called nervous hunger which is greatly influenced by the personal ability to know how to manage stress itself “.

Start playing sports: you need perseverance and motivation

To get back in shape, you also pass by carry out a sporting activity. «In this case, consistency and motivation are fundamental, especially for beginners. For this you can start not only by choosing an activity that you like but also slightly changing your habits. For example, starting to go on foot or even by bicycle more often, it is not necessary to join the gym, on the contrary, the beautiful days can be an incentive to spend more time outdoors ».

Outdoor activities at this time of year help a lot, especially if it takes place in company because, as the expert explains, sociability is important because it can also be the reason so you go out to play sports. The motivation is therefore fundamental “You have to be honest with yourself and also set yourself feasible goals for these months so that you can complete them without getting discouraged.“.

Summer sports to get back in shape

Definitely the walk is the most immediate “However, you have to start graduallylittle by little, and take into account that to be truly effective it must last between an hour and an hour and a half ».

«Alternatively, the tennis or padel, or cycling. Or all water sportssuitable given the heat of the season and for those suffering from water retention problems »concludes the expert.

