Remi Lindholm won the World Championship gold!

Lindholm is the world champion of soldiers.

Remi Lindholm got to celebrate the World Cup victory. Stock photo. PASI LEISMA

Remi Lindholm has won the military skiing World Cup gold in the 15 km freestyle competition, Puolustusvoimat report.

Sergeant Lindholm, 25, beat second-placed France Jules Lapierre with 14.6 seconds. Latvian Andrejs Rastorgujevs was third, 22 seconds behind the winner.

The Finns did well in the competition anyway. Junior border guard Markus Vuorela was fifth, sergeant Ristomatti Hakola eighth, lieutenant Niko Husu ninth and senior border guard Juho Friman 31:s.

On Tuesday, Lindholm already won the soldiers’ WC bronze in the pair relay with Hakola.

Lindholm has recently started working as a sports non-commissioned officer in the Kainuu brigade in Kajaani.

– I am ready to die for this country, he told Iltalehte last week.

The Military World Championships culminates in the military scout competition on Friday, where teams of four ski. In addition to skiing, the competition includes three shooting events.

Finland sends two teams to the scout competition.

Is traditional competitive skiing coming to an end?
