Remembrance place for tombstones of finders Girl of Yde, Emmens grave is being cleared

Willem Emmens

Willem Emmens was working on the land when he found a body in the peat. According to stories from the family, Emmens put the body under a tree together with fellow finder Hendrik Barkhof and the alarm was raised the next day. The find has since come to be known as the Girl of Yde. A girl who was probably strangled some 2000 years ago.

The burial rights of the grave of Willem Emmens were recently returned to the municipality of Tynaarlo by the relatives with the announcement that it is the grave of someone who made an important find. Nevertheless, the municipality intends to clear the grave. That is the protocol, alderman Hanneke Wiersema explained.

Some graves of important people are included on a historical grave list and are therefore not cleared. According to the municipality, the grave of Willem Emmens and his wife is not eligible for this because the grave is broken and not well maintained.
