Remarkable start at the Deutsches Theater under a new director

René Lüdicke on the planet populated by plush balls

René Lüdicke on the planet populated by plush balls Photo: Thomas Aurin

By Sebastian Bauer

In the first piece directed by Iris Laufenberg, director Alexander Eisenach deals with major issues of the future against the background of an infamous book that was given away in the GDR for the youth consecration.

Distant galaxies and the future of our society. Alexander Eisenach’s play “Space, Earth, Man” for the Deutsches Theater is even more ambitious than the GDR almanac after which it is named.

At the premiere on Saturday, the audience traveled for four hours through, among other things, a socialist canteen and a planet populated by plush balls.

Florian Köhler and Felix Goeser muse stimulatingly about parallel worlds, Julia Gräfner amusingly about a future without men. And there is still time for the pursuit of immortality.

Many scenes are fun. Also visible to the actors. But the overall plot often falls by the wayside. In addition, many debates are too much in the present for a utopian piece.

Nevertheless, a remarkable start to Iris Laufenberg’s directorship.


Berlin culture German theater theater review
