Remarkable image: Ukrainian and Russian athlete celebrate medals at Winter Olympics with a hug | Instagram HLN

A few days ago, during the aerials in freestyle skiing, China’s Qi Guangpu took Olympic gold. Oleksandr Abramenko was defending champion, but had to settle for silver. The bronze went to the Russian Ilia Burov. Both athletes were satisfied with second and third place, so they hugged each other.

What most would consider a beautiful image, in the midst of the escalating conflict between Ukraine and Russia, is not appreciated by everyone. “I understand that there are friendships between the athletes who have been training together for many years,” said Ukrainian Sports Minister Wadym Hutzajt. “But this is the country we are at war with. In such a situation, athletes have to keep their emotions in check.”

The athlete Abramenko himself reacts very soberly: “One should not look for too much symbolism behind the scene. Burov and I are friends, it has nothing to do with politics. Although not everyone sees it that way.”

Tensions between Russia and Ukraine have been rising for some time. The former Soviet republic is seeking rapprochement with the West, and would like to join NATO. Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to avoid that at all costs, he recently sent more than 100,000 soldiers to the border region.
