Remarkable: chairman terminates city council in Wervik – “No vote of no confidence”

Remarkable: chairman terminates city council in Wervik – “No vote of no confidence”

Last week, Vooruit and CD&V Wervik decided to vote coalition partner ‘Open Vld, Positive Project and Green’ out of the coalition by submitting a no-confidence vote.


The chairman of the city council quickly ended the convened meeting: “The vote of no confidence is unfounded.” It is still unclear based on what.

The planned coalition change will therefore not take place for the time being. According to sources, CD&V would make a new attempt to submit a motion of no confidence.

Constructive motion of no confidence suffices

Majority party chose CD&V to continue and thus have the majority. Moreover, the agreement would expire that Bert Verhaeghe of Open Vld will soon take over the mayorship from Youro Casier.

The City List wanted to investigate whether the motion of no confidence is legally correct. But according to the new municipal decree, a constructive vote of no confidence is sufficient to exclude a coalition partner.

For example, the parties in Wervik were not on the same page with regard to the residential care centers.
