Remaining Classic to Wednesday, but Ajax then refuses to play against Feyenoord | Dutch football

The remainder of the Ajax-Feyenoord Classic, which was halted yesterday, will be played without an audience on Wednesday (from 2 p.m.). This was decided by the professional football competition board. The people of Amsterdam don’t like that. Ajax wants to play against FC Volendam on Wednesday in accordance with the schedule and is considering legal action against the KNVB.

“The competition and cup program is now being adjusted by the KNVB for four clubs due to the completion of an abandoned match. Not only the clubs, but also the supporters are victims of this. That is why Ajax is considering legal action,” Ajax said on its site. The Amsterdam team does not want to play until early November. “Then a cup round will be played in which Ajax and Feyenoord will not participate. FC Volendam will.” Feyenoord, in turn, does not like that.

Ajax-Feyenoord was halted yesterday afternoon in the 55th minute after fireworks were thrown onto the field for the second time by Ajax fans. Feyenoord argued for considering the 0-3 score as the final score and was categorically against resuming the canceled match in November, but the KNVB decided to complete the remaining 35 minutes.

Completing the Classic this week is the best solution

“After an abandoned match, the professional football competition board determines what happens to the match. The basic principle is that the competition must be as fair as possible and that a match should therefore preferably be decided on the field,” the KNVB said in a statement.

“The match must then be resumed as soon as possible. The time has been determined in consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam. This means that the Ajax – FC Volendam match, which was scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, will be postponed to a later time.”

Also read
You can read everything about the crisis at Ajax through this article.

Two goals Giménez

In yesterday’s Classic, Feyenoord took the lead after nine minutes thanks to Santiago Giménez. The Mexican doubled the lead in the eighteenth minute and saw teammate Igor Paixão even make it 0-3 in the 37th minute.

After Giménez’s second goal, a cup ended up on the field. Just before halftime, fireworks were thrown onto the field for the first time. That happened again in the 55th minute, after which referee Serdar Gözübüyük finally stopped the match.

Even afterwards things got out of hand in Amsterdam. Angry fans vandalized and stormed the stadium and clashed with police. At least three people were arrested. On Sunday evening, Ajax announced that technical director Sven Mislintat had been dismissed with immediate effect.
