Relief campaign for Ukraine: Till Lindemann auctions off art





Rammstein frontman Till Lindemann and the Erfurt artist Marc Jung are working together for a good cause: They are auctioning off a work by Jung that deals with the war in Ukraine and would like to donate the entire proceeds to an aid organization that helps the Ukrainians benefits.

The campaign was announced on Instagram. There you can also see the picture for which bids can be submitted by email until March 20th, 2022. It is a special collaboration between Jung and Lindemann. The image shows a dove of peace that looks like it has been shot at with different colors. Above the dove is the lettering “Peace Please 2022”, the lower part of the work is decorated with the signatures of Lindemann and Jungs.

A wooden wall covered with beer labels forms the background. However, the labels do not come from just any beer, but from Lindemann’s “MDZN Pils”, which he brought out with the Erfurt brewery “Heimathafen”.

The relief effort seems to have got off to a good start: it has been announced that bids of several thousand euros were received within the first few hours.

Jung comments on Instagram about the motivation for the auction: “We want to appeal to humanity and hope for a quick end to the war because we have friends on both sides.”

It has long been known that the Rammstein singer has a close connection to Russia and that the band has a particularly large number of fans there. However, she does not agree at all with the Russian government. Rammstein showed solidarity with Ukraine on their website and on Instagram – and Lindemann canceled the dates of his solo tour in Russia. He also recently helped a Ukrainian refugee find accommodation at Berlin Central Station.




