‘Relaxing admission requirements for further education is a bad idea’ | 1Limburg

If it is up to the association of secondary schools in the Netherlands (VO-raad), pupils who do not obtain their diploma at secondary school should in some cases still be admitted to further education.

But that is a bad idea, according to director Thieu Kikken of the Central Limburg Education Foundation. The VO Council’s plan is that these students can make up for the missing subjects at a later date.

Good basic
“We are convinced that it is better for young people to have a good foundation for a better continuation in their studies or career. We do not consider an unfinished education and a ‘false diploma’ to be a good basis,” explains Kikken on Thursday in the L1 Nieuwsshow. .

The corona crisis has had a major impact on students’ school careers over the past two years, Kikken acknowledges. “The first students only had an adapted exam, but after that more and more students have to deal with other forms of education or drop out.” According to the director of the Central Limburg Education Foundation, eliminating courses is not a solution. “The point is that young people are well prepared for their follow-up study. You cannot solve that by continuing.”

Bonus year
Another idea that is alive in the VO-raad is to grant a bonus year to some children. Kikken doesn’t like that either. “We are not in favor of students having to repeat a year. I think it should really be a matter of customization and in such a case you should look at where the student has already made a good development, and where he can do something extra. Just doing it again for a year isn’t the solution either.”
