Relaxations leaked: carnival associations happy | 1Limburg

The new possible relaxations have been leaked. Longer opening hours and no one and a half meters for the catering industry and events would be possible again, sources from The Hague report to the NOS. But what does this mean for the Vastlaovend?

President Bart Maes of the Samewirkende Limburgse Vastelaovesvereniginge (SLV) is positive: “This is what we hoped for.” The Shtatsiefestasie is happy with the relaxation, but is disappointed at the same time. They think the original event could have gone ahead if they hadn’t canceled it.

Next Tuesday, Minister Ernst Kuipers (Public Health) will hold a press conference about the new corona measures. Kuipers will probably announce that the catering industry can open longer. At the moment, the catering industry must be closed at 22:00. In addition, the distance rule in the catering industry will be abolished. The relaxations may start from Friday 17 February. The NOS reports that the cabinet wants to allow festivals and events again from 25 February. However, it would then be mandatory to test yourself beforehand.

Maes expects that smaller events can continue. “But everything that involves a major financial risk has been cancelled. So major events are not in it,” says Maes. “Perhaps things can be organized in a number of cities. Mayors also like that, because organized events can be better enforced.”

The organization Sjatsiefestasie reacts mixed to the news. “We are happy that the relaxation is coming. This only makes our idea even more fun,” says Jules Geraedts, chairman of the Sjtasiefestasie Remunj Foundation. The organization is disappointed that the usual event has been cancelled. “That’s very sour.” Geraedts thinks that if the event had not been cancelled, it can continue with the new relaxation. The Shta Festival has come up with an alternative. They will drive a bus with artists through Roermond and organize performances in various places. “How we will organize that with testing is not yet known, but if necessary, we will do that.”

The SLV is still going to discuss carnival with the safety regions in Limburg and North Brabant. “Agreements are made between the associations and the mayors.” But Maes is clear, he expects things to be organized: “I’m looking forward to it.”

close corona
Mayor Annemarie Penn-te Strake of Maastricht believes that the corona crisis should be closed. “I would really like us to say: we are now closing the corona crisis. And we are going to rebuild again. That one and a half meters has to be removed at some point,” says Penn-te Strake.

According to her, there should also be new faces. “People have to come to help us with the reconstruction. New people, new faces. That’s fresh and that gives us energy.”

The Limburg-North security region does not yet want to respond to the leaked corona measures. They let it be known that on Wednesday they will meet with the carnival unions about what can be done during the coming weekend.


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