Relatively many Limburgers feel unsafe in their own neighborhood | 1Limburg

Limburgers feel relatively unsafe in their own neighbourhood. 17.4 percent of Limburgers indicate that they regularly suffer from this.

Limburg thus scores slightly higher than the national average, according to the CBS Safety Monitor.

The figures contrast with crime, which has fallen sharply in our province over the past ten years. In fact, in Limburg traditional crimes, such as theft, violence, burglary or vandalism, decreased most of all the provinces. The figure fell by 57.9 percent between 2012 and 2021.

Also read: Biggest drop in theft and vandalism in Limburg

Although local residents often feel unsafe, they are not dissatisfied. The average score for safety in Limburg neighborhoods is 7.4. That is just below the national average of 7.5.

The municipality of Heerlen stands head and shoulders above the other municipalities in Limburg and also at a national level. Almost one in three people sometimes or often feels unsafe there (30.3 percent). On average, residents of Heerlen give a score of 6.9 for safety in their own neighbourhood.

Law enforcement
In addition, about one third of Limburgers are happy with the police nearby (33.8 percent). That is slightly lower than nationally. Just under four in ten Dutch people say they are satisfied. However, the majority of Dutch people indicate that they never or only rarely see the police in their own neighbourhood.

One in six Dutch people sometimes or often feels unsafe in their own neighbourhood. Frisians, residents of Drenthe and residents of Overijssel generally consider their neighborhood to be safer than Limburgers and residents of North and South Holland.

According to the CBS survey, fewer people currently feel unsafe in their own neighborhood than ten years ago. About a quarter of the Dutch say that they regularly do not want to open the door in the evening. About ten percent avoid unsafe places or walk around.
