Relatively many corona infections in the Netherlands, compared to other European countries | Inland

In Limburg, 7,185 for every 100,000 inhabitants have tested positive in the past two calendar weeks. That means that one in every fourteen Limburgers was found to be infected. That is almost 72 percent more than in the overview that the European health service ECDC made last week. In North Brabant, the number of positive tests rose by almost 54 percent.

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) previously reported that the number of positive tests has increased especially in regions where many people celebrate carnival. Those parties coincided with a relaxation of the corona rules for the catering industry. In the meantime, the number of positive tests has started to decrease again, but that decrease does not yet count for the current map.

For the eighteenth week in a row, all twelve provinces in the Netherlands are in dark red, ECDC’s highest warning level.

In the other countries, most regions are still dark red, but the map is a bit less fiery. For example, 43 regions now turn red, one step lower. Last week there were 27, and the week before 13. Just like last week, two regions are orange. The French overseas territory of Mayotte is the only region green, the lowest level.

The ECDC calculates the overview based on the number of positive corona tests and the vaccination rate. The map is intended to give policymakers a clear overview of the corona situation. There are no automatic travel recommendations.
