Relative of dead children in New Zealand suitcases identified | Abroad

According to the police in the South Korean capital Seoul, the woman was born in Korea and also has New Zealand nationality. She would have entered South Korea in 2018 and, according to the police, there is no record that she later left the country. Because of this, it is suspected that she is still in South Korea.

It is unknown where the woman is now or whether she arrived in South Korea alone or with other family members. According to the police, her old address and her age indicate that it may be the mother of the children.


The human remains of the two children were found last week in suitcases bought at an auction from a New Zealand storage facility. New Zealand police reported that their bodies had probably been in the storage room for years. They would have been between five and ten years old.

The suitcases in which their remains were found were bought by a family in Auckland. The family unsuspectingly opened the suitcases at home and called the police immediately after the discovery. The family is not a suspect in the case.
