Relationship with the doctor in assisted reproduction treatments

There are different ways of approaching the search for motherhood, among them there may be women who always knew they wanted to be mothers, others began to ask this question around their 40s, and it can also happen that the question appears when the doctor says the tick tock of the biological clock, in relation to the body and the times of fertility treatments and legal coverage.

Whatever the moment in which the decision is made, when the quest for motherhood begins, it poses a challenge that will be entered one way and inevitably exited another.

On some occasions, going through this challenge implies making efforts, devoting a lot of time, visiting specialists, carrying out various studies, accompanied by a whirlwind of emotions that appears without asking for permission and sneaks in at all times.

Here begins a journey that will be different according to each story, according to each person, the resources they have to face it, and the turns of life with its random quota.

Along this path, we consider it very important to be able to have a doctor or medical team with whom to establish a bond of trust.

From Well-being in Fertility, and as psychologists we attach great importance to the bond with him or the client. We need to make an alliance of teamwork, go consultant and professional to the same side Within a therapy the therapeutic alliance It is the meeting point between the patient and the therapist. It is a unique bond that is based on the trust and understanding necessary to address the process of change in which the patient is immersed. From the beginning it is sought that in therapy there is a climate of trust, empathy, closeness, in which the patient feels comfortable and can open up to expose her fears or needs.

This, which is fundamental in a therapeutic space, is not always taken into account in the field of medicine. Many times the large number of patients, the demand for consultations, the little time for each one, etc., make the relationship with the client appear differently than in the psychological field.

We recommend aiming to achieve a relationship of trust with the doctor with whom the fertility treatment will be performed. In this instance, we suggest taking a break from the whirlwind of studies and queries that usually appear, to stop and record how they feel with [email protected] specialist and in that specific center.

Each person will prioritize in the professional what they consider most important, but at the same time the quality of the bond seems fundamental to us. It is important to be able to ask all the necessary questions, raise concerns, doubts, fears, anxieties, etc. Being able to think together options for every need.

Not all patients need the same thing when choosing a doctor or doctor. Some privilege years of experience, others empathy, others who are direct with information, etc. The fundamental thing is that each patient feels that the professional who cares for them has the characteristics that each one needs.

The urgency of the biological clock and often of the doctors, is not the same as that of the consultants. The mind tends to go fast but the heart needs to pause and connect.

The search for maternity that is postponed, having to go to a specialized center and start a consultation path, will imply going through a vital crisis. Feeling accompanied on this journey helps to face it in a better way.

Vital crises are usually anxiety-producing and generate anguish. On many occasions, having the accompaniment of a specialized psychotherapeutic professional can be helpful in this journey.


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