Relationship with FC Bayern “broken”? Matthew makes a bitter Lewandowski verdict

A transfer mud battle is looming between FC Bayern and Robert Lewandowski. The goalscorer wants to leave Munich and join FC Barcelona. In the meantime, the tablecloth between the world footballer and the German record champions seems to have been cut. A circumstance that Lothar Matthäus regrets.

“I think it’s a shame that the situation has come to this,” said the 61-year-old in his “sky“-Column. He himself assumed that Lewandowski would end his career in Munich, revealed Matthäus.

But that doesn’t seem to be the case. After the last game of the season, Lewandowski declared that he would not renew his contract, which expired in 2023. Those responsible at FC Bayern have recently vehemently emphasized that they will not give up the 33-year-old prematurely.

So will Lewandowski stay with BVB for another year as before his departure and then move on a free transfer? According to Matthew, one cannot compare the situations with one another.

Matthew sees relationship “broken”

“The story was similar nine years ago before he moved from Dortmund to Bayern, but back then he wasn’t German champion eight times in a row and twice world footballer. Lewandowski has evolved, he knows the business better and has a different management,” said the 1990 World Champion.

Matthäus’ bitter conclusion: “I am convinced that the relationship between Robert and FC Bayern can no longer be what it was in the past eight years if Lewandowski stays in Munich until 2023.”

On top of that! “Lewa is ambitious and professional, but recently something happened that broke this great relationship because we didn’t talk to each other in time,” says Matthäus.

Matthäus: Mané “not a one-to-one replacement for Lewandowski”

The fact that FC Bayern has already met with Sasa Kalajdzic’s advisor is an indication “that FC Bayern is ready to give up Lewandowski if you have a successor”. “I think it’s good that Bayern is looking for a successor, because they should have found someone next year anyway. They don’t need a backup as a center forward in this transfer period because they have Choupo-Moting,” said Matthäus.

Sadio Mané is also being traded as a possible successor these days. According to the record national player, Liverpool FC’s goalscorer would “not be a one-to-one replacement for Lewandowski”.

“Mané is not a nine, maybe the system would be changed and Nagelsmann would play like Guardiola did at Manchester City,” explained Matthäus.
