Relapse in recovery of Amy Pieters due to epileptic seizures

Amy Pieters’ rehabilitation is in a lesser phase. The 31-year-old cyclist from Zwanenburg fell hard at the end of 2021 during a training camp in Spain. She suffered a serious brain injury. Her recovery has been slowing down lately, because she suffers from epileptic seizures.

“As a result, she has suffered a relapse in her mobility and her motivation to recover is also somewhat difficult due to the adapted medication,” writes her cycling team SD Worx on its site. “This is a difficult period for her, but also for everyone who works and interacts with her.”

Pieters can now answer with a clear yes and no, but it is not yet possible to really have a conversation in sentences. “She mainly communicates with facial expressions. We are now waiting for the medication to be adjusted in such a way that she regains the energy and motivation so that she can work on the next steps of her rehabilitation.”

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An adapted bicycle has been purchased from the Amy Pieters Foundation. In addition, there is a system to warn in case of an epileptic attack. “Pieters still prefers to get on a bicycle to go for a ride outside, rather than sitting indoors on an exercise bike in the sports room. Thanks to the adapted bicycle, she can also do exercises at home in the weekends.”

The van Pieters family remains hopeful. “Hope and motivation that Amy will show us some good results. After all, Amy remains our champion.”
