Relan Wäre, 35, stops people with his story on The Voice of Finland

Rela Wäre evokes emotions with her story in The Voice of Finland.

Rela tries to impress the star coaches with her song. Saku Tiainen

In Sunday’s episode of The Voice of Finland, the star coaches will step in front of them Rela Wäre35, who says he is a true multi-tasker.

– I do many things for work. I am a musician by training. In addition to that, I have worked part-time in the restaurant industry. Now during the corona virus, I acquired corona professions in the asphalt and earth construction industry, as a truck driver and karaoke host, Rela lists her areas of expertise.

There have been challenging moments in many of Rela’s lives. He talks about the harsh turns of his life openly in the program.

– My life has been quite a roller coaster, and quite a lot of big things have happened. One big thing was when I had back surgery. I didn’t walk for almost a year before my back was operated on. After that I had to learn to walk again. During that time, I had time to think about quite a lot of things and values, Rela says.

The Voice of Finland on Nelose and Ruudu on Fridays and Sundays at 8 pm. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Maija Vilkkumaa and Elastinen tell in the video what kind of singer they are looking for in The Voice of Finland.
