“Rejected does not mean that you can’t do anything”, catering professional Claudia is now a hobby cook for the elderly

‘Cooking for the cuties’ is another reason for Claudia (46) to get out of bed, after a difficult period after she was rejected. “I was used to working hard and giving to people.” Now the former hospitality professional is in the kitchen of the daytime activities for dementia sufferers in Heiloo twice a week.

Maaike Polder / NH News

“What soup would you like?” The scent of basil permeates the entire villa. “I have mustard, tomatoes or mushrooms.” 83-year-old visitor Gea* puts aside her embroidery and is wheeled to the table in her wheelchair and says: “Do tomato, not too hot. I’m so spoiled here.”

Claudia Oudshoorn has been living in Limmen with her husband and two teenage children for two years now. She was born in IJmond and, after studying at the hotel school, worked for years in prominent hotels in Amsterdam. “Marriott, Park Plaza, Crown Plaza, I was always seeking adventure and never standing still!”

But then, at the end of 2011, she slips behind the bar at work. “I fell with my back against the bar and my knee came right on the tip of a drawer of glass bottles.”

Rehabilitation and psychologists

And then the apparently simple operation on her meniscus also goes completely wrong. “The epidural was set incorrectly,” she tells NH News at the table. Every now and then she gets up to stir the three large pots of soup on the counter. Visitors chatter in the living room.

The mistake results in the right side of her body being paralyzed. “It was dramatic. I couldn’t move anymore and screamed from the pain I did feel.” Rehabilitation, sessions with psychologists and a legal battle follow.

“It was dramatic. I couldn’t move anymore and screamed from the pain I did feel”

Hobby chef Claudia

“It was a nasty, but also a wonderful time,” she says about it, “I could see my children grow up. Only I was no longer the Claudia from before the fall. I could not drive for more than 20 minutes, had to maintain position, take failure into account, could no longer bend down, lost 25 kilos.”

She is declared completely incapacitated for work. “Disapproved. For someone who is used to tackling, that’s quite a bit.”

Not after geraniums

But soon she wants to show the world that you certainly don’t have to sit behind the geraniums and she joins forces with other rejected mothers, met in the street and in the schoolyard.

Under the name ‘Mothers from Broekpolder’ they organize events for children and adults. They also help charities in the region. The then still Beverwijk kicks it up to a second place in the election ‘IJmonder of the year’.

So two years ago she moved with her family to the village of Limmen and had to start networking again.


“I need a reason to get out of bed.” One day she opens the Lookout and sees the call: “Hobby cook wanted”.

A nice conversation with the care institution follows and she is now in ‘Villa Westervenne’ in Heiloo twice a week. “It is a delight for us that Claudia is here,” says care supervisor Jackie. She comes to get a pot of soup for one of the four living rooms with the elderly.

“Do tomato soup.” She gets the pan from Claudia. “Thank you. Look, otherwise we’ll have to do this ourselves. And now we have more time with the people.” In addition to preparing ‘healthy and nutritious’ meals for people with dementia, Claudia is determined to continue her charity work in her village Limmen and the surrounding area.

The first project has already started! “A care supervisor talked about the fact that they would like a water pump, so that visitors can water the garden, pump together. Well, I said: I do have experience in collecting money. So we will arrange that.”

Maaike Polder / NH News

To collect money is there a bingo on February 18 in Eetbar Lekker in Limmen. “Ladies-only, and the proceeds go to daytime activities here, but also daytime activities at Thuisbij in Limmen.”

Inside no time more than 100 tickets have been sold. “I think it’s exciting, organizing something like this in a new place. But Limmen is very united. I’ve noticed that already. Entire groups come to bingo.”

Claudia still has to find a few sponsors, but she is confident that with all her experience she will succeed. “

“I like being here. I feel the gratitude and I still like to give”

Hobby chef Claudia

Meanwhile, visitor Gea (84) enjoys her fresh tomato soup at the kitchen table. “How long have I been here? Five years? An anniversary! Well, I probably won’t remember tomorrow anyway. But I do remember faces. Yes, I recognize you,” she says to Claudia.

He visibly enjoys the contact with employees and visitors. “Every morning when I’m here I see all those happy faces. Like they’re going on a school trip again. I love being here. I feel the gratitude and I still enjoy giving. I hope I be an inspiration to other people who have been disapproved.”

The place where the water pump should be – Maaike Polder / NH News

*Gea is a fictitious name. Her real name is known to the editors, but at the request of the healthcare organization we do not mention it in connection with her privacy.

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