Reinharts (16) headache was due to a tumor, four months later he participates in a triathlon | Instagram HLN

The NetherlandsBeing told at the age of 16 that you have a huge tumor in your head and that you will have surgery that same day: it happened to Reinhart van Dam. Now, three months later, the Dutch teenager has almost completely recovered and is even participating in a triathlon in June. Not only because he can do it again, but also to raise money for the Princess Máxima Center for pediatric oncology. “I am so grateful that they saved me,” the teenager writes on his father Rogier van Dam’s LinkedIn page.

Marloes van Wijnen (The Best Social)

29-05-22, 17:04

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In the summer of 2021, 16-year-old Reinhart is increasingly suffering from headaches. The throbbing and burning sensation lasts for months. He, his parents and his doctor are faced with a big puzzle. “We had no idea where it came from,” says father Rogier. “The GP initially suspected tension headaches, but that diagnosis became more unlikely as Reinhart’s pain got worse and worse. He also started to suffer from limited vision.”


But when the doctor called the next day and asked if we could come directly to the hospital for the results, we knew: this is wrong.

Rogier van Dam, Reinhart’s father

The GP decides to send Reinhart to the hospital for an MRI scan, it is now February. “We would get the results two days later,” Rogier continues. “But when the doctor called the next day and asked if we could come directly to the hospital for the results, we knew: this is wrong. In the car we already said to each other: prepare for the worst.”

Huge tumor

His parents are right: it turns out that the teenager has had a huge tumor in his head for months. And it must be removed as soon as possible. Reinhart can already go to the Máxima hospital in Utrecht that afternoon. “We drove straight on from Nijmegen. In the morning I took Reinhart out of school unsuspectingly, and in the afternoon he was already on the operating table.”

Reinhart van Dam in the Máxima hospital. © Private photo

“I was very shocked,” says Reinhart. “I never expected that I would have a tumor, let alone that I would be operated on the same day. Before I could realize what was happening, the first operation was over.” During that first procedure, doctors placed a drain on Reinhart, which allowed fluid to leave his brain. “For the first time in months, I woke up without an excruciating headache. That was such a huge relief.”


For the first time in months I woke up without an excruciating headache. That was such a great relief

Reinhart van Dam

Two days later, the doctors manage to completely remove Reinhart’s tumor in one go. No post-treatment is necessary. However, the teenager must continue to visit regularly for check-ups. “After the second operation, I stayed in the hospital for another week,” says Reinhart. “After that I was allowed to go home again. It has gone so fast.” His father adds: “It was a week of mixed highs and lows. The days in the hospital were very sad, but at the same time we soon realized how lucky we were.”

From tumor to triathlon

The weeks that follow are all about rehabilitation for Reinhart. But that also happens very quickly. “I went back to school one day a week pretty quickly, and after a few weeks I was able to do almost everything again.” His father shares an anecdote that shows how fast his son’s recovery is. “The physical therapist advised Reinhart to practice walking with a wheelchair so that he could sit down when he got tired. But the wheelchair we arranged has always been left in the car. Reinhart immediately said: I can do this.”

Walking slowly but surely turns into sports again, and when Rogier tells at home that he and his girlfriend Patricia want to participate in a triathlon in Amsterdam, his son is also very enthusiastic. “When he said he wanted to, I honestly thought: Reinhart, how?! But his rehab doctor approved it, so who am I to say he can’t? At the same time, it is of course a good sign that he has so much urge to move again.”

Reinhart van Dam is training for the triathlon with his father.

Reinhart van Dam is training for the triathlon with his father. © Private photo


Reinhart’s wish doesn’t just stop at participating in the triathlon: the teenager also wants collect money for the Princess Máxima Center. “I would like to thank the staff. So I’ve come to ask myself: What can I give back? Well, this is the answer.” Thus father and son set up a donation page. To raise money, Rogier decides to use his network on LinkedIn. “I said to Reinhart, write your story short and I’ll share it — not expecting us to reach over 150,000 people.”

Reinhart has now more than achieved his own modest goal of 500 euros; the 7,000 euros has already been tapped. “We receive so many donations, even from people we don’t know at all,” says Rogier. “This includes parents who have lost their child to a tumor. I find it so impressive as a father and as a person that these people support us. And of course not only us, but also the Princess Máxima Center, because Reinhart does this for them.”


I’m glad I can do something in this way for the doctors who saved my life. I wouldn’t have been there for the same money

Reinhart van Dam

On Sunday 19 June, Reinhart will take up the challenge together with his father and his girlfriend. During the triathlon Reinhart promises to listen carefully to his feelings and body. “But I feel very strong again. I’m still building up in sports and school, but I can definitely say it’s going well. I’m glad I can do something in this way for the doctors who saved my life. I wouldn’t have been there for the same money.”
