‘Regret my statements about Rachel? No!’

Roxeanne Hazes does not regret the statements she made about her mother Rachel in Best Singers. “I stand behind exactly what I have shared,” said the singer.

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For the first time in her life, Roxeanne Hazes has revealed something about her lonely childhood. She revealed on the Best Singers program that she was regularly dumped with the strangest host families because her parents were too busy. After the death of father André, Rachel started writing a book and was placed out of her home for nine months.

Rox has no regrets

Rachel is furious about Roxeanne’s statements and has set up a whole media circus to blacken her. She has come under fierce criticism. For example, Rob Goossens thinks that Rachel better keep her mouth shut, because after André’s death she was paralyzed every day from the berry jenever. And Ronald Molendijk: “You can also shut up, Rachel!”

It is now almost three weeks since the bomb exploded. How does Roxeanne feel about it now? She tells it in front of the camera of RTL Boulevard: “I support exactly what I have shared, especially because I received so many messages from people who were really grateful to me for opening upyou know.”


Being vulnerable is never easy, explains Roxeanne. “That is sometimes very scary and in advance you think: I remain a bit reserved about certain things, but precisely because you are in such an intimate, beautiful setting with each other and you trust each other, and the cameras don’t see you, then you tell much and frankly.”

Roxeanne felt safe in the setting of Best Singers. “We built lifelong friendships there. And those cameras… It’s not even that you forget them, but you literally don’t see them. Those are gone. That’s just how it is. They are not in the picture and that is what I think is so strong about Beste Zangers. You are not involved in that at all.”

no ego

The artists are completely dependent on each other during the shooting days of Beste Zangers. “Where you used to show your reserve… That ego is just not there anymore. That’s the beauty of what the program does to you there.”

Roxeanne no longer felt that reserve. “Then you talk about your highs and lows. Again: I think that Best Singers also makes such a special program.”


Roxeanne’s quotes:
