Regional transport strikes have been suspended for the time being. Trade unions are negotiating with employers for a collective labor agreement and inflation compensation

According to the FNV, due to new commitments from employers, the strikes planned for December will not take place. The proposals are not yet known exactly, but employers have announced that they will come up with them before the start of the negotiations in early December.

“If this is not enough, there will still be strikes in January. But first we will negotiate,” said an FNV spokesman. Although the talks about a new collective labor agreement will start early next year, he believes there are also possibilities to include compensation for 2022.

1000 euros

CNV previously agreed to a one-off payment of 1000 euros due to the decreased purchasing power. In the new negotiations, for which a total of three days are planned in December and January, this union says that it wants to agree on a substantially higher wage and measures for a lower workload.
